Saturday, July 16, 2011

HANP - Simillimum Journal

Theme of the next issue:

Layers of Susceptibility: Cases that illustrate variations on this theme.

We would like to introduce Steve Olsen ND, DHANP as the new editor of the HANP journal: Simillimum

Please send in your cases with a discussion of your conclusions to:

Discussion of the topic: Layers of Susceptibility

Almost every case that we encounter has an aspect of layers of susceptibility and crucial decisions that need to be made based on our assessment of this topic. What criteria and questions have you found to either decide to give one remedy for the totality of the symptoms or conclude that a certain remedy needs to be given first for a top layer and then a second remedy and perhaps even a third remedy? How does one decide to make this crucial decision?

When I teach this topic to students I basically give the following guidelines:

The Acute Remedy and the Chronic Remedy are the Same

  1. If the acute illness has the same modalities and general symptoms as the chronic symptoms then most likely the remedy that is needed for the acute is the same that is needed for the chronic and so one can combine all of the acute and chronic symptoms to find the best remedy.

The Acute Remedy and the Chronic Remedy are Different

  1. If the acute illness has different modalities and general symptoms than the chronic symptoms then one is most likely looking at two remedies and two layers of susceptibility. In this case one should only make a repertorization of the symptoms that are the most recent; that being the ones that began as the acute illness began.

Two Layers of Chronic Illness

  1. If there is a chronic illness then most of the time the only remedy that will cure the case will be based on the presenting symptoms that are most intense. (other criteria?). Later on a new totality can be understood when most of the symptoms are cured by the first remedy. With a very severe chronic illnesses the correct remedy may need to be changed more frequently but with each remedy the case should become clearer and the overall health should be permanently improved. This is often the most complicated situation to evaluate; as in the beginning it will not be obvious what remedy is needed first as in a very severe illness there may be many layers of illness and they all may present with some symptoms at the same time. Again how does one go about finding the first remedy?

I would like to present some cases in the next issue of Simillimum that show clearly how you made decisions in the above categories; based on the symptoms that you collected. It may not be an acute illness that separates out the layers. It may be the onset of seemingly new illness or the exacerbation of an old illness.

In order for there to be a clear definition of two layers the case needs to show that the first remedy worked to permanently remove a layer of susceptibility or at least clearly brought the patient to a state of health that was obviously better that before it was given and then describe how the second remedy worked further to complete the case.

There is learning one can share from many types of cases so send in what you have and I will at least post it for a discussion. The cases that have the clearest instruction I will publish.

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